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Writing on Tablet

Clients (Past and Present)

I've worked with many clients, but there are some that have changed how I wrote and provided me amazing growing opportunities. The sites below are ones I'll always look back at fondly as my writing continues.



Growing up with a disabled brother, traveling around the world wasn't something my family could really do. This meant I didn't have the opportunity to explore until my adulthood. I love having the opportunity now to visit new destinations, and to help others do the same, despite roadblocks that may try to block their path.

Cluster of Islands
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Outdoor Guide

As someone who enjoys camping and spending time outdoors, I was ecstatic to have the opportunity to work with Outdoor Guide. With this team, I've had the chance to talk about popular tips and tricks for gardens, camping, and keeping away pests.

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Working with GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT has provided me the opportunity to write on several different subjects including science, entertainment, anime, technology, and culture. I write about subjects I am interested in as well as learn new information every day.

Movie Clapboard
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A-Z Animals

Having gone to school for Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, it's been a lot of fun to write about animals and conservation again. With A-Z Animals, I get to focus on submitting my own ideas and article pitches, so I have a lot of freedom.

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FIDIS Travel

At FIDIS Travel, I focus a lot on golf and airline rules. It's a little outside my niche, but I enjoy learning about new subjects and seeing states I've visited with a different perspective.

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I've always been passionate about obscure movies and TV shows, so having a website that allowed me to talk about those shows that most people don't know was a wonderful experience.

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Haute Residence

Haute Residence was my first official position as a freelance writer instead of a ghostwriter. I didn't know a lot about celebrities or housing, and this position allowed me to broaden my knowledge of both my skills and my education.

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